[iOS] DevDay for iPhone: iPads zu gewinnen
Am 26. April in London und am 28. April in Genf findet der DevDay for iPhone statt. In diesem Rahmen ist ein Wettbewerb ausgelobt, bei dem drei iPads Wifi mit 16 GB Speicher verlost werden. Hier die englische Pressemeldung dazu:
As a part of the DevDay for iPhone events taking place April 28, 2010 in Geneva and April 26, 2010 in London we are announcing an iPhone Application Contest. DevDay for iPhone is a dedicated interactive one day conference for software developers and business professionals who want to learn how to successfully build and market iPhone applications.
The iPhone Application Contest is for new iPhone apps that are not currently available in the App Store.
The rules and conditions are as follows:
– It has to be a new application not available in the Apple AppStore.
– The deadline for registering for the contest is April 1, 2010
– The deadline for summiting the application is April 25, 2010
– Only one application can be submitted per person
– The application will be tested by the Jury on an iPhone 3GS
– The Jury’s members are the DevDay for iPhone Program CommitteeThe applications will be judged on:
– Originality
– The use of the mobile platform in general
– Usability
– Experienced quality
– Visual design
– On-line Off line functionality
– Efficiency in network trafficThere are no limits regarding application category, it can be a game, weather, news, stock etc. To register for the contest send an email to contest@trifork.com. The winners will be announced at the conferences in Geneva and London and on the website just after the conferences. The three best applications will win an iPad Wifi 16GB.