Virtual Programming sucht Betatester
Spielentwickler Virtual Programming sucht aktuell Betatester für neue Mac-Spiele. Voraussetzung ist logischerweise die Beherrschung der englischen Sprache. Bei Interesse meldet Euch unter dieser E-Mail-Adresse.
Virtual Programming are currently looking to add beta testers for several of
our new games.
We require Intel only users, running 10.5 or higher. Please don’t apply if
you are not using this hardware specification.
We are interested in users with MacPro, iMac, Macbook, Macbook Pro.
Due to the nature of some games, GMA 950 is not required and only some games
will support X3100.
So if you can provide 5+ hours per week, happy to use our web based bug
reporting system we look forward to hearing from you!
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